Cycling For Young People
Go-Ride is British Cycling's development programme for young people aged between 8-16 years. The programme provides a fun and safe way to introduce young riders to the world of cycle sport and provides a platform to improve bike-handling skills. British Cycling provides training for coaches to deliver structured training for young cyclists of all levels. You can find out more about British Cycling and Go-Ride on the British Cycling website.

The Go-Ride Essentials
To take part in a Go-Ride session, your child will need:
parental consent form (emailed to you when you join the club)
well-maintained bike – either a mountain bike or hybrid with gears and treaded tyres
spare inner tube to fit their bike
water bottle and cage or hydration pack and a snack
helmet and gloves and knee pads
You must ensure that their child’s bike is in good condition prior to arriving for a session. Children who arrive with poorly maintained bicycles find it difficult to fully participate in the activities and may even not be able to take part if the coaches believe the bicycle is unsafe.
Our coaches carry out a bike and clothing safety check before every session, but we can’t cover every mechanical aspect of the bike before each activity. From time to time, mechanical mishaps do occur while out on the trail and the coaches carry basic tool kits to make trailside repairs. However, they can’t be expected to carry out major repairs before or during an activity. It is not fair on the other riders or the coach.
Due to the nature of the terrain in Lotts Wood, our primary coaching facility, we require that young riders wear knee protection to prevent any flint-knee injuries. Coaches can advise on wear and what type to purchase.
The cost of coaching sessions is £6.00 for members, £8.00 for non-members. New or prospective members may come and ‘try us out’ initially as a non-member, and if he or she enjoys the programme and wants to continue to improve their mountain biking, we ask that they join Summit MTB Club via the ‘Join Us’ link British Cycling website so that they are covered by our coaching insurance.
New members will be asked to complete a Rider Information and Parental Consent form which you must submit before your child can take part in a Go-Ride session. From time to time we ask members to complete new forms to ensure our records are up to date.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the next Summit Go-Ride session.


Summit MTB ascribes to the British Cycling Code of Conduct for coaches, which you can read here together with other club policies on issues such as first aid and child welfare.
There is also a Code of Conduct for parents that covers issues such as medical information, ensuring you are able to answer a call and collect your child if an incident occurs and supporting the coaches by following instructions and not interfering with sessions.
You should advise the club welfare officer or coach if your child has to leave early or is being collected by someone else. You must be able to respond to a phone call and collect your child if necessary. Parents are responsible for ensuring that all phone numbers held by the club are up to date.
We love it when parents and carers join us for the rides. It’s great to watch kids develop new skills, build confidence and make new friends. If you do decide to come along, please show appreciation and respect for coaches, officials and administrators and follow their instructions. Remember they are all unpaid volunteers who have gained qualifications and without them, your child could not participate. If you have a question, just ask, but please don’t interfere in coaching sessions or question the coaches’ methods.
Summit MTB believes that all its members should all be treated equally and any form of bullying is unacceptable. If you have any concerns about the treatment or behaviour of other club members then please make your concerns known to one of the club welfare officers or to a coach.